Thursday, October 20, 2011

Discrimination?? I don't think so!

Recently, I came across a couple of situations where discrimination was done, and wasn't of anything minor, neither. Apparently, a few insurance companies have been discriminating against people based on Gender differences (some people have had problems accessing insurance benefits who are transgender). So, naturally, I stepped in to help them by contacting the Transgender Law center (TLC) about this to see what they had to say about this, and what I had found about this made me mad. They said that insurance companies can get away with some of the discrimination while not being allowed to get away with discrimination against people who are transgender (TG) that I know is due to a loophole in how the insurance companies have their policies on what they will cover of medical surgeries and medical care to be done. Between that and other discrimination that I had come across other people discriminating against or judging and assuming things about people based on what some people have done that is bad, I became mad cus there is still discrimination, today, and there is so much of it, still-perhaps more so. I got mad. But, I let that anger fuel me to advocate more so than I ever had, before, in my life cus someone needs to stand up and fight against all this B.S. that is going on, today, in government and in the world. And when i heard about how gay marriage isn't being condoned, I grew even more mad, even more dishearted, and even more sad for the state of affairs of how it all is, today, of laws being passed and of other laws NOT being passed so as to assert rules and laws over what people can and cannot do in their personal and private lives that shouldn't be inacted, in my opinion, of that type of control, because whether or not gay (or BI) people get married isn't hurting anyone and is the right of all Gay (and Bi) people around the world-our god-given right-as to whom we want to marry. So what if I marry a man or a woman for whom I fall in love? Who would it be harming? I don't look down upon heterosexual people for marrying their opposite sex. Why should heterosexual lawmakers decide whether or not I get to marry a woman or a man? They might as well next tell me with whom I can have sex, or better yet, to tell me that I cannot masterbate, cus, well, that, same as marrying someone of my same sex, would prevent procreation. They have a biased concept of right and wrong, not a true concept of right and wrong. Sure, I cannot procreate with a woman as I am a woman, too, physically. But, I had a tubal ligation after the birth of my two beautiful children cus I was physically too high risk with those pregnancies and had had miscarriages at a few different points in my life when trying to conceive with my ex-husband before the birth of my two living children. So, that wouldn't matter, procreation-wise, if I still had sex with men cus I couldn't have children, anyway, anymore. Lawmakers (and doctors) say that using birth control for heterosexual couples can be a good idea to cut down on the population and to prevent unplanned pregnancies. But, at the same time, they then don't seem to condone people having, nor marrying same-sex partners, seeming out of what could possibly be an antiquated olde Christian belief about that people are to have sex to procreate (and only to procreate), and, there, sex isn't for pleasure, but only for procreation purposes. And so, we must all be with partners of the opposite sex to procreate. O.k., then, if I could have more kids and were ready for more kids, I would go for InVitro fertilisation, or cus am Bi, I'd just have sex with someone I love who'd be willing to help me become a parent, again. There. Procreation would be taken care of. But, if I am in love with a woman, I would be with that woman, regardless of what anyone says. Why? Because that is my human right. My body, opinions, thoughts, feelings, etc., my choice. It's my choice. No one else's.

On the subject of discrimination , I've also seen other forms of discrimination that have ben just as bad as this where rights have been taken away, and it disgusts me. This just shouldn't be happening. Homeless people being discriminated against when some really are trying to get back on their feet is just one of the types of discrimination that shouldn't be happening. I'd been homeless at one point in my life when my ex-husband had lost his job. But, we got back on our feet, and were okay, after that time. But we were judged, badly. I'd also seen other homeless people judged bad-so badly in fact, that, that when one women who was in a domestic violence situation tried reporting her situation, she was shunned away, and her partner than shot her, right where she was sitting in the very seat where I'd normally sit when i had the time to do so, at that homeless shelter in the Manna House homeless shelter, here, in Tampa, Florida. I'd been away, that day, on bed rest (doctor's orders), that the homeless shelter had to adhere to so that I wouldn't go back into preterm labour, too early in the pregnancy. So, they had me in the back in a safe, secure room, away from any disturbances that sometimes happened at the shelter so i could be stress free to rest my body. Anyway, what if I had been sitting out there, that day? Would she have sat next to me, and would I then have seen her get shot, instead of what had happened that day of having been told by staff when I'd heard the gunshot, to stay back and to not go outside to see what had happened cus she had been shot? And if so, would I have been accidentally shot if he had aimed, incorrectly, or if I had tried to go call police as soon as I had seen the commotion by him? She'd been shot. That had been the reality of it. Plain and simple. She'd been shot. He'd not wanted her to leave him, and shot her after he had left her, apparently. If someone to whom she had reported the domestic violence had only listened and then had helped her, she might have avoided death by his abuse. But, she was discriminated against because of her being homeless. And after having seen that, I had refused to let anyone know about the situation that happened by my ex-husband, while he and I were still together and still homeless, of him bringing his fist down upon me. I worried that I wouldn't be helped cus I, too, was in a domestic violence situation, and, like that other homeless woman who'd been shot, I, too, would have been possibly shunned away from being helped to safety because I was homeless.

Then, when in a group I created that I also manage with two other wonderful moderators, I came across discrimination, again. Another member of group made the assumption that all techies are like how some people have perceived Steve job-the founder of Apple, Inc., who'd recently passed away-to be of being negative and of only caring about money, and being snooty. O.k., so maybe Steve jobs might have been like that. I never personally knew him. But, I did know many other good techies who weren't like that of being greedy, rude, uncaring, etc, like they say Steve jobs was. I also know computers, used to work at at Dell, and know how to programme computers and know web programming. O.k., so,... just because I am kind of a techie, that doesn't automatically mean that I am the way that that person thought Steve jobs and all techies are like. Not all techies are like that. In fact, including me, there have been other techies in my poetry group who'd mentioned in one thread, a long time ago that they were techies. And they both were wonderful, bright, polite, and happy people who seemed to care about other people. They were even happier than me, and I am the one always giving people hugs to brighten their day and to give them comfort for any and all situations in support for them, online, and in person. That was such an incorrect assumption that he'd made of that all techies are that way. We aren't.

O.k., if you have made it this far in my very long blog post, kudos to you all. :) And I apologise for my blog post being this long. I truly do apologise about this. Anyway, the last discrimination I'd like to mention, here, is that of those who are not writers discriminating against those who are writers. What was said about writers was that we (writers) are lasy with no real sense of motivation to get a "real" job that has "real" income, and that we don't work hard at what we do. Um, have they seen my collection of poems that now amounts to about over 400 poems, my novel and the start of my other book, my blogs, my poetry group that is on two different sites? Do they also know how much revision goes into writing, and how that doing the revision process can, in and of itself, can take longer to do than to actually type our work? Do they understand how much time actually goes into that, plus into trying to market our books/works? While I never got that discrimination, I heard it being said by those who were discriminating against writers. Some of those who'd discriminated agianst writers, I'd not talked to. But, some, I had talked with to tell them that I am a writer. And when they asked to see some of my work, I showed them, plus told them that without writers, they wouldn't be reading the books they like, nor watching the news on t.v. because writers write not just books, but some writers write for the news. That discriminative bunch of people hadn't said anything after I'd told them those points. People just open their mouths and insert their foot in it, so to speak, when they discriminate. It just amases me the things people and th government say and do in discrimination of others. Discrimination? Not if I help it! That's my two cents for the day. What;s yours? Please feel free to comment your opinions about this subject.


  1. Wow, you have expressed a lot! There are a lot of unfair things in the world to get mad about. And there sometimes seems to be too many laws. There are laws for laws for ... etc. If people would learn to get along with each other and be decent as human beings and care for others, then we would have so many laws and so many inside our personal business. Unfortunately, because we need some laws, others just followed. And yes, there are so many double standards in life for everything and so much discrimination and hatred for everyone and anyone who is different from the mainstream (and this includes people of other races and religions, too). I think in the life, there are more pressing matters of life and death that need our attention rather than meddling in others private lives. Each of us are supposedly free to believe as we like, esp in the US, yet we find that freedom only goes so far. Take care!

  2. Lena,
    You are so correct in this, sis. So very correct in this. Yep, there is discrimination and hatred for anyone who is o other races and religions, as well. I wish discrimination against those of other races and religion also didn't exist. It's bad that people discriminate, at all, I think.

  3. Hi April:

    When it comes to discrimination, it depends on how you define it. Discrimination is simply making choices. I have a certain way I believe just like anyone else and I will always seek out relationships with those who enjoy the same things I do and actually so will every one else.

    I am a Faithist but I can get along with anyone of any religion as long as they follow certain basic rules and beliefs. From my viewpoint it really doesn't matter what a person's religion is but it does matter how they express it in their own lives and towards others.

    What the average person doesn't really know is that in spite of the fact that there is only one Creator, the universe is stuffed full of tens of millions of Gods, each one having their own responsibilities toward their Creator and way in the future, after many hundreds of years in the spirit world, we also will be Gods with specific jobs to do for our fellow man.

    We were born with only one life and it is forever, that I know for a fact. There is no such thing as eternal damnation and the whole idea is just plain stupid when you consider the fact that our Heavenly Father would be the last person to allow that to happen just the same as you would not do that to your kids either. Our Creator says we are his babes and any decent person would not harm their own kids.

    Considering different sexual orientations, of which their are many, that is a very complicated subject to explain. Our Heavenly Father does not Create any sexual deviations. He creates males and females and that's all. All other deviations happen on man's side. When I say 'man', I mean that in a general way meaning both male and female. When a man and woman come together is breeding, they become co-creators with the Creator. The couple does their part and He does his. At the instant of
    fertilization, a new person is started on the path of everlasting life and that means everybody.

    The sexual orientation of that person can be turned into a deviation by numerous causes. One being that after a person is born, a spirit from the spirit world can invade the body of a baby and call it reincarnation. Believe me, this really happens. What happens to the original spirit? It either stays in the body with the invader or is driven out into the spirit world to be cared for over their by other spirits.

    If the invading spirit was once a 'male' in a previous lifetime and invades a female body, then he would still be attracted to females and would then be a lesbian. The opposite would happen if a female spirit invade a male baby to cause a gay person.

    I knew a guy when I was a teenager who told me the only time he has any homosexual feelings was when he ate certain foods but he would not tell me what that was.

    If you do a search on 'estrogen' you will find numerous things that cause homosexuality because of the effect of foods such as soy, hops and on and on.

    So, what's wrong with gay marriage? Nothing as long as the homosexual activists do not have a hidden agenda which a lot of them do and some of them are very destructive to a normal way of life. A lot of homosexuals in position of affecting children are actually trying to convert all these kids to be just like them.

    In Oahspe, the Faithist bible one of the Lords said:

    "This I have observed of humans; first they want to eat, then they want to have sex, then they want to control other people."

    I gotta stop before I end up writing a book.

  4. Donald,
    I respect your opinion. Thank you for giving it. :)
